with integrity, grace, gratitude, faith, insight, intuition, love, joy, hope and potential and that is what life will surround you with. Surround yourself with the energy that flows with what you want from life, long term, short term and "in the moment".
Life isn't just "happening" to you. It is responding to your heart, soul and mind set. What you allow yourself to believe, see, feel and what is what life will create with you. How you treat others in action, tone and manner of speech tells the universe how you expect to be answered. Your actions throughout every moment reflect emotion, distance, warmth, gentleness or fear, whatever you are reflecting on any moment will reflect and respond back to you.
When you act from the root of love in genuine heartfelt responses to situations, circumstances and people, you set the stage for genuine love to return because that's the way the universe, the cosmos, Source, Nature, physics, and biology work! It all ties together. Every single thing is of value to our paths. The energy of our Universe "responds" to you. Hears your thoughts, acts on your intentions, and returns to you the energy you send out thru through inner awareness, conscious intention, thoughtful actions, unconscious thoughts, and conscious consideration of others.
Mindset is such a powerful energy, When we are aware of this natural law of reaping the harvest of the seeds we sow- measure for measure, we are far more careful of what we are sowing, and life will respond accordingly. Remember always the power of words. When you say things like "life sucks" to yourself, be assured life will continue to suck! When you aim that energy elsewhere, "Harry sucks man" you can be sure that same energy will return twice as strong ----to You!
The garden in your life is created by the seeds sown by you. I love you! I want to see you succeed in all areas of life but most importantly in your own relationship with your soul. Because Soul and Universe sing the same song! We need to be sure we have the words and the music in balance in order for our soul and Universal Soul to be in Harmony! Love, light and blessings to all as always.

KNOW this as you set out for the day, and send your words, steps, thoughts and actions into the world to work FOR you. As we sow we reap, as we learn we can choose to teach, which of course is more seeding! Life is a constant flowing cycle and we are all on that same wheel of fortune. Be sure your deeds are seeds sown with the root of a loving heart and your harvest will be abundant blessings of love's finest seeds! Life will always respond to your beliefs and intentions.
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