Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The First Lady’s number one health rule: Give yourself permission to be happy.

 Give yourself permission to be happy.
I loved this article. Probably because it really hit home for me. While I was a mother of 4 daughter’s. I was so busy trying to work 40 hours a week, and be super Mom when I was home. If you have never raised 4 daughter’s at one time, man was it a breaking point in my life. In the beginning I didn’t do too badly at it. But as the need for our families income to increase I found myself working.

I ended up getting pretty sick from all the tension that I was experiencing. My body took on it’s own mind, and no matter how hard I tried to get that control back, the mind was much more powerful than I could manage. I started having anxiety attacks, which would end up limiting my driving, or any kind of social appearances. I spent a lot of time just trying to figure out what the heck was happening. And the more I read the worse it actually got. I was trying so hard to find a solution, and wanted desperately to put a name to it. It wasn’t who I was, and I knew it. I just wanted to be myself again.
I never was the same person again, but I am living a more comfortable life, than I ever imagine would be possibly.. If I would have listened more to what my body was telling me, I don’t think it would have shut down like it did. So when I read this great article, I wanted to share it with every one. I have been really focusing on myself this past year, learning how to exercise, eat better, and I have lost 20 pounds. I am learning how to put Discipline into my life, realizing that I have two options to choose from, I can live with Discipline or I can live with Regret!!
Enjoy the article I want to share with you. Great advice from our first Lady Michelle Obama… View article here

The Human Body Is Built for Distance

I found this article to be very interesting. My daughter Priscilla was having a very hard time with running, as she began her newly found desire to learn how to run, using her NextFit Keychain trainer, using her personal coaching by Jeff Galloway. As she began she started to experience a lot of discomfort in her legs and feet, so we took her down and spent quit a large amount of money-getting the proper shoes matched up with her run!! That seemed to have corrected her problem a slight bit, but she soon discovered from a local trainer from NextFit, Dori Madsen, who was running barefoot with the bare foot shoes. Priscilla ventured out bought a pair of bare foot shoes, and she runs great now. So I have to wonder about the truth backing this article and video.. I believe that maybe they might be on to something!! What do you  think? Have you ever tried running bare foot. Read article here to view video here