In the beginning I was so young and such a stranger to myself I hardly existed. I had to go out into the world and see it and hear it and react to it, before I knew at all who I was, what I was, what I wanted to be.
~ Mary Oliver
~ Image "Loowit Dreams" by Michael Bollino

 We are truly who we are within, siting still away from the outside world, there we are, the journey begins within the heart, accepting it and all the choices we have made with it, good or bad, but neither are them, we have chosen our path into wisdom and now that we are awakening to our real truth, that journey begins within the heart flower, as the veils of illusion scatter and dissolve we see more to entice us, the flower opens and from there we flow into our soul, back to who we infinitely are.


 If you want to conquer the anxiety of life, live in the moment, live in the breath.
~ Amit Ray

When we learn to believe in ourselves, our lives become enriched with a quiet confidence and we begin to blossom and grow with a wonderful, newfound sense of peace, well-being and joy.~ Mary Anne Byrne
~ Image by Miyako Koumura

You can live a life of fear or live a life of love. You have the choice! But I can tell you that if you choose to see a world full of love, your body will respond by growing in health. If you choose to believe that and you live in a dark world full of fear, your body’s health will be compromised as you close yourself down physiologically in a protection response


 Follow your bliss.
If you do follow your bliss,
you put yourself on a kind of track
that has been there all the while waiting for you,
and the life you ought to be living
is the one you are living.
When you can see that,
you begin to meet people
who are in the field of your bliss,
and they open the doors to you.
I say, follow your bliss and don't be afraid,
and doors will open
where you didn't know they were going to be.
If you follow your bliss,
doors will open for you that wouldn't have opened for anyone else.
~ Joseph Campbell

 According to the dictionary, a breakthrough is an act of overcoming an obstacle or resistance or a major achievement of success that permits further progress. From the way I see it, a breakthrough represents a moment that breathes life. It is an “aha” moment, a never before instant. It brings about transformation, clarity, and insight.
~ Evelyn Lim

Your path is your own, but you must walk side by side with others, with compassion and generosity as your beacons. If anything is required it is this: fearlessness in your examination of life and death; Willingness to continually grow; and openness to the possibility that the ordinary is extraordinary, and that your joys and your sorrows have meaning and mystery
~ Elizabeth Lesser
~ Image by Lisa Holder

How To Make A Beautiful Life..



the veil lifts and our inner wisdom KNOWS what is real

As we age and mature through our experiences, we begin shedding old layers of pre programmed perceptions and growing new, broader, more compassionate perceptions of our own, based on our own experiences, sometimes faster than our minds can perceive. When we are going through such rapid changes, it can at times feel fabulous, and other
times seem incredibly scary. It's all part of our journey back to love. There are memories that resurface at first as if behind a veil, but as we expand our horizons the veil lifts and our inner wisdom KNOWS what is real, what is truth and what is a false notion. It's the certainty that can be scary. Sometimes it may seem easier to stay in the shadows of our real soul purpose because we know if we accept truth it means we must act on that, be responsible for more than just existing. That is when it's great to have a friend that you trust that you can talk to who relates to what is going on in a spiritual way. Perhaps you feel there’s no one to talk to about what’s happening inside of you (of course you want to give the impression that everything is fine!), or perhaps you feel that you have to do things yourself and you’re the only one who can help you. Try writing a journal. Sometimes just seeing our thoughts on
paper can help us sort things out. Whatever we do, we must not let fear stop us from growing into our full potential. We may need to take it slower, or realign our steps, we can always find a way through if we want. One thing is sure, once we become aware, there's no going back to being blind. Some may choose to ignore, but we still "know" what is. The truth is, our souls are eternally evolving. There’s no “right” or “wrong” in the spirit realm. There are no regrets. Each experience leads us on our journey toward love. With every choice, we are learning something new. Our task on Earth is to free ourselves from fear and negativity to gain more compassion and love. Even if you experience something that seems challenging at the time, your soul is growing and expanding in immeasurable ways. Honor your journey. Bless every step. We are at the perfect age to live our dreams NOW. Once we are "aware" we are never too old or young for anything! If we were meant to experience something sooner, it would have happened.
If we’re meant to wait, we wouldn’t feel the desire to understand now. Everything happens in divine and perfect timing. There are a multitude of spiritual lessons that prepare us for each experience. Some lessons are integrated in this lifetime, some occur over many lifetimes. Wherever we are now is exactly where we need to be! When overwhelmed, take a deep breath and let go for a while, but never give up! Remember with challenges - This to will pass! There's no feeling like that of stepping out of the shadows and into the light of Divine Love

 Saturday April 4th 2015
                                                                                                                                        WHY GOING THROUGH A LIFE CRISIS IS A POSITIVE THING
In my life and work I have come across many people who have gone or are going through what can expediently be defined as a “life crisis”. The word carries a lot of negative connotations of course, since it is associated with very difficult life passages often brought about by circumstances beyond the volition or ‘control’ of the person, such as:  loss of loved ones, difficult family problems, financial loss or a health related issue. Sometimes crises are also brought about by drastic turning points in one’s life where the person feels  that he or she is losing solid reference points such as identity or life purpose. The classic middle life crisis is a pertinent example.
What I would like to talk about is the positive and constructive side of crises which is very often overlooked. When I was doing my research for my masters in Philosophy some years ago, I was looking into how intelligent adaptive systems behave. To cut a long story short, what I realized was that systems change and self-organize themselves by going into momentary crises – a shock to the system where it loses balance, integrity and identity for a brief moment. The result is that it changes and restructures itself into a system that is better adapted to its environment. Continuous change and evolution happens through big or small crises and ‘revolutions’.
An obvious analogy to the above is with the human life crisis. When we go through a crisis, we are not experiencing a fault which needs to be fixed but rather living through an opportunity to ‘restructure’ ourselves and come out as stronger individuals more adapted to life’s currents and problems.  Here are some of the great opportunities offered by life crises:

Break the Illusions:

A crises very often shatters the ‘reality’ of the individual. It can be so disruptive that the whole reality seems to come crumbling down. In many ways this can be a really positive thing. In our lifetime we build all sorts of beliefs, attachments and ideas which are illusory at best. Some of them grow stronger as they get reinforced by decisions we take and experiences we make. These fabricated realities or illusions can be so deeply ingrained that it can only take a ‘system shock’ or crisis to pierce through them. In fact crisis makes the person feel bare and naked. Stripped away from his constructed illusions he comes to realize how deeply attached he or she was to something inauthentic and unreal.

Discover New Signs & Meanings:

When someone goes through a crisis it changes their perspective on life. Those things and beliefs that were once held sacrosanct are questioned. With this fundamental change in values and perspective, we are given the opportunity to discover new meanings and signs around us that symbolize these new meanings. We change our language of life which can make us fluent and conversant to experiences we never brought to our attention before.

Propel Change:

Of course change is the obvious positive overtone of a crisis as pointed out in the idea of system shocks. A crisis can rock us hard to the core. But although its passage can be dark and painful it can resurrect us to new beginnings – the most positive and trans-formative change.

Opportunity to Overcome Fears:

In our darkest hour we face our biggest demons which ultimately translate to our deepest fears. Fears can persecute us throughout our whole life but without critical life passages such as crises, we would have no opportunities to come face to face with them – and this is where the biggest chance of overcoming fears lies.

Reboot your System:

By breaking illusions and overcoming fears you are going through a complete system reboot. Crisis in fact can be a very thorough cleansing process. Of course it feels nothing like that when you are going through it, but once the storm passes by you are left with new eyes and most of all a stinger heart. Sometimes a crisis can be considered a second death – or a death of the ego – and with death comes rebirth.

Peeling Off Old Skin:

Crises are not always totally disruptive. There can be minor life crisis which are not strong enough to reboot your system and build you up from scratch but tough enough to be able to peel off layers of old skin. It toughens you up, make you more supple and better adapted to many of those things that were grinding you down. You experience an opening, emotionally and sometimes spiritually, that syncs you with a deeper part of your being.
Come out Stronger:
Crises can most of all be testing. In those moments were one feels completely lost and hurt, there is opportunity to be tested. Remember that crises can also be seen as initiation of life – a test or challenge that can take you to a new level of being. It ultimately makes you stronger not because it would have ‘hardened your skin’ as some suppose but oppositely because it makes you more supple and open to life’s storms.

Getting in Touch with your Authentic Self:

The point about openness in fact points to another hidden benefit. I mentioned how crisis can break our illusions in the first point. Illusions can be both about our external life but also about the internal one. We can have many illusions about ourselves such as inauthentic self-images or identities. Breaking those illusions and being more open will lead us to a closer and truer aspect of ourselves.
Opening up to Love:
Even the toughest of characters can be softened up in the middle of a life crisis. We realise how frail and sensitive we are. We understand the importance of other people’s care and love but more importantly we realize how important it is to give it out. A crisis can be a really big opportunity to come to terms with our past and ourselves. It shakes us to the core and often we fully comprehend how we were ’stiff’ and closing off ourselves to love behind the mask of our careers, our social personas or our self-images.

An excellent Opportunity to Trust:

The real challenge of a crisis is letting go and trusting. It is counter intuitive to let go and trust in the moment when we feel most battered or betrayed by life – hence the challenge. Yet, it is the greatest and most rewarding benefit of any crisis. The harder we resist, the more difficult the passage will be. It is a little bit like when you are floating at sea and waves come at you. If you struggle hard, your muscles stiffen, you lose a lot of energy and breath and you might eventually risk going under. By letting go and relaxing it is easier to stay afloat.
Hopefully this article has helped you remember that you are in control, and can use your struggles as catalysts for positive change in yourself. You got this!
Source: This article was written by Gilbert Ross. You can find him on FacebookTwitterGoogle+ and his blog Soulhiker. You can also take his course at Udemy.

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