Monday, February 18, 2019

Together We Are One

Together We Are One

One breath at a time, let us awaken to our true self as we raise our consciousness to allow the river of life to flow freely into the ocean of love.
Let us realize that every breath and every heartbeat is intended and designed to lead us closer to the truth, along a path of peace, love, righteousness and gratitude.
Let us vow to keep ourselves and our planet safe from harm as we open our hearts and minds to recognize and welcome the Divine Force within and without, the source of all existence.
Let us realize that we are not separate from each other and we are one with all of creation. The love expressed by one is love shared by all. The pain one may suffer or inflict upon another becomes the pain of all.
Let us realize it is our own consciousness that determines the depth of serenity in our life. Let us love ourselves wholeheartedly by willfully accepting and learning from everything life has to offer. To stand in our rightful place we must release false assumptions created by petty egotistical thoughts. Only then will we awaken to whom we truly are. Only then will we reach our full potential and experience the joy of unconditional love for the benefit of all of God’s creation.

Together we are one.
Robert La Valle

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