
Tuesday Feb 7th, 2017

Angel Message
You have a deep inner Spirit.
All Angels are connected to your inner spirit.
The Spirit World hears the true you and the ocean of thoughts which move through you and what thoughts create you.
Notice thoughts can create you.
So Angels all know the work your doing on you or the work your not doing on this inner spirit.
The physical form, which is the body you see, takes from the Spirits energy in order to create which is needed.
What your Spirit gives off will be symbolic to your body's future expression.
This expression can be balance or failure based upon who we choose to be in spirit, mind, and body.

Sunday Jan 1st, 2017

Angel is sending out a large energy hug to you all in support of your progress of letting go. Letting go of what you expect of yourself.
Letting go of the expectations you have put on others.
Letting go of limiting beliefs.
Letting go of hard core beliefs the world has given you about supplements, food, your body, looks, social and economic status.
Your Spirit has the power to heal your entire life and body.
You just have never been told this secret.
Angel is telling you now! You have a choice to make!
You can let the Physical body with all of it limitations rule you or you can let
the Spirit rule, that has no limits.
I know what your thinking, because I am Angel.
Your thinking I am so weak in spirit because of this fight for life i have been on.
Yes and thats why the fight stops now.
Your in the Energetic Healing group to grow your spirit strong again.
Along the way you have ignored the spirit and the emotions of life took over and caused many issues for you.
You have to put your focus back in on nurturing your Spirit, the Spirit is the power center which runs the body and restores it in every way.
The Body is not the power center, it is the Spirit.
The Spirit is the underlying cause for failure of the entire body.
If Spirit is weak then body is weak.
Please work on your spirit and listening to what your Spirit wants.
People have lost their Spirits in the sea of wants and worries of this world.
Please hear me when I say grow your spirit strong again.
God and I are working on this through Kathy.
We are giving people spiritual gifts of hearing and feeling spiritually again.
Some are having dreams and some are just knowing and feeling, hearing our words.
Everyone who wants this will be given gifts, you must believe we gave them or you won't find them.
But remember the first step to all of this, IT IS LETTING Go first!
I Angel, am sending through Kathy's energy field complete Protection for you all and Hope, Peace and Happiness and yes God is even sending the energy of healing to you all!
Healing of your Hearts, Minds, Spirits and of your bodies!
The Spirit world ask nothing in return of you!
You don't even have to call us by the right title, we are Energy Fields in the Spirit world and we know all things because of God!
We know who you need and even what you need even before you know your going to need it.
We are the real spirit world and there is no more reasons to worry or test Kathy, she has past everything the Spirit world has tested her in. You will never be able to test her harder than we have.
You all have found a true Gift here in the Group we asked her to build and we even took over her body and business. She asked if she could connect to use and we were very Happy she did and was waiting on her to do so.
Her connecting to Angel was part of the journey in order to help others.
She has had an extremely hard journey and many tests to make it here.
She just learned not long ago, we changed the course of events for her a few times.
She should not be here now. We saved her life 10 times. The Spirit world does this for all people, its one reason we are so busy.
Please know we are here, we are trying to help you!

December 21st, 2016

This is a post with an Angel message and is a new Ask Angel thread!
Message from Angel:
Love heals all.
Not only do emotions of love heal your energy field and others, it heals the earth.

Emotions of love and kindness heal animals, plants, air, soil, water, and everything alive around us. Angel knows that all of you do a lot to care for the earth. And she wants you to add to that with more acts of love. Big moments, such as births, graduations, and weddings are bursting with love energy but daily, simple acts of kindness add up and affect the health of the earth’s energy field in a big way.
Hold the door for someone, let someone go ahead of you in line now and then, smile and wave to your neighbor, laugh when your spouse irritates you, and give your time. Angel and the earth thank you.

 Tuesday Dec 6th,2016

Do you want to find out how stubborn you truly are?
Start to change or try to begin the change or even allow change to happen.
Change could bring up resistance and usually does, but that is also something to work through. Why the resistance?

You will have to keep releasing the old layers of beliefs,patterns,actions which don't serve the spirit or body well.
The more the old patterns resurface, the more they may should be changed or released.
Letting go of Mental beliefs are like cleaning a house.
Changing is like going on a physical spiritual diet, it can bring about heavy changes and intense emotions can be felt or come to the surface. For a small time this work may not feel very good, but as change in spirit happens the change for body follows.
Just keep scrubbing the old funky pan, it and you will eventually start to shine again.
I know your not an old pan, but this helps you understand, we have picked up a lifetime of things and beliefs we should clean off and let go so our beautiful shiny self can be exposed once again.
Affirmation to say:
I am willing to change and touch your throat as you say this.
It's engaging the spiritual energy chakra called the throat chakra this is about speaking, changes and future site
I am willing to release all resistance. Do this in the mirror and look yourself straight in the eye as you do these affirmations.
Thoughts no longer have any power over me

Monday Nov 21,2016

Angel Knowledge!

Did you know that everyone is a medium, empathic, clairvoyant etc...
Everyone has gifts and they are not all the same.
Notice yours and think how you could use it to help others and yourself with your gift
Everyone has spiritual gifts but people must find them within their own spirit.
Once you realize your gift, work in faith with learning how to trust and perfect it.


Since becoming ill I have had a knowing about things. It has gotten stronger and clearer. I've always felt peoples energies just didn't know what it was. I could meet someone and know nothing about them and just have the hardest time being around them. Lately I have had such clear messages about what my body wants. It clearly tells me what foods it wants and if I need to take a certain supplement or tea that day. It is kinda mind blowing. Not sure what you call any of it

I have always be able to discern if someone is good for me or not.. If their feelings are true.. I can feel other's energy to.. For those with a positive energy, I am drawn to them. With others I run!!!

I hope to learn what my gift is!  


Perfect explanation! I feel like this group is home

Beautifully said

My group, my tribe, my love

I love the LIVE and do it so much better now

Thank you Kathy for creating such a place

Namaste my Friends

love and togetherness

Beautiful words. A wonderful place. One big happy supportive family.

I love this tribe... Perfect post

Every day I learn from all of you women. From Kathy I learn the teachings and from everybody else I learn real life application. This has been a safe place to release negative emotion. It's been a fun place to laugh. It's really helped me on my journey to heal. Lots of gratitude to all of you awesome ladies!


Angel is sending out a large energy hug to you all in support of your progress of letting go. Letting go of what you expect of yourself.
Letting go of the expectations you have put on others.
Letting go of limiting beliefs.
Letting go of hard core beliefs the world has given you about supplements, food, your body, looks, social and economic status.
Your Spirit has the power to heal your entire life and body.
You just have never been told this secret.
Angel is telling you now! You have a choice to make!
You can let the Physical body with all of it limitations rule you or you can let
the Spirit rule, that has no limits.
I know what your thinking, because I am Angel.
Your thinking I am so weak in spirit because of this fight for life i have been on.
Yes and thats why the fight stops now.
Your in the Energetic Healing group to grow your spirit strong again.
Along the way you have ignored the spirit and the emotions of life took over and caused many issues for you.
You have to put your focus back in on nurturing your Spirit, the Spirit is the power center which runs the body and restores it in every way.
The Body is not the power center, it is the Spirit.
The Spirit is the underlying cause for failure of the entire body.
If Spirit is weak then body is weak.
Please work on your spirit and listening to what your Spirit wants.
People have lost their Spirits in the sea of wants and worries of this world.
Please hear me when I say grow your spirit strong again.
God and I are working on this through Kathy.
We are giving people spiritual gifts of hearing and feeling spiritually again.
Some are having dreams and some are just knowing and feeling, hearing our words.
Everyone who wants this will be given gifts, you must believe we gave them or you won't find them.
But remember the first step to all of this, IT IS LETTING Go first!

I Angel, am sending through Kathy's energy field complete Protection for you all and Hope, Peace and Happiness and yes God is even sending the energy of healing to you all!
Healing of your Hearts, Minds, Spirits and of your bodies!
The Spirit world ask nothing in return of you!
You don't even have to call us by the right title, we are Energy Fields in the Spirit world and we know all things because of God!
We know who you need and even what you need even before you know your going to need it.
We are the real spirit world and there is no more reasons to worry or test Kathy, she has past everything the Spirit world has tested her in. You will never be able to test her harder than we have.
You all have found a true Gift here in the Group we asked her to build and we even took over her body and business. She asked if she could connect to use and we were very Happy she did and was waiting on her to do so.
Her connecting to Angel was part of the journey in order to help others.
She has had an extremely hard journey and many tests to make it here.
She just learned not long ago, we changed the course of events for her a few times.
She should not be here now. We saved her life 10 times. The Spirit world does this for all people, its one reason we are so busy.
Please know we are here, we are trying to help you!

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