Friday, December 30, 2016

The Rhythm of The Heart

When the rhythm of the heart becomes hectic,
Time takes on the strain until it breaks;
Then all the unattended stress falls in
On the mind like an endless, increasing weight,
The light in the mind becomes dim.
Things you could take in your stride before
Now become laborsome events of will.
Weariness invades your spirit.
Gravity begins falling inside you,
Dragging down every bone.
The tide you never valued has gone out.
And you are marooned on unsure ground.
Something within you has closed down;
And you cannot push yourself back to life.
You have been forced to enter empty time.
The desire that drove you has relinquished.
There is nothing else to do now but rest
And patiently learn to receive the self
You have forsaken for the race of days.
At first your thinking will darken
And sadness take over like listless weather.
The flow of unwept tears will frighten you.
You have traveled too fast over false ground;
Now your soul has come to take you back.
Take refuge in your senses, open up
To all the small miracles you rushed through.
Become inclined to watch the way of rain
When it falls slow and free.
Imitate the habit of twilight,
Taking time to open the well of color
That fostered the brightness of day.
Draw alongside the silence of stone
Until its calmness can claim you.
Be excessively gentle with yourself.
Stay clear of those vexed in spirit.
Learn to linger around someone of ease
Who feels they have all the time in the world.
Gradually, you will return to yourself,
Having learned a new respect for your heart
And the joy that dwells far within slow time.
~ John O'Donohue, A Blessing for One Who is Exhausted
~ Image "Winter morning" by Tristan Campbell

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Words In Your Heart

“One of the hardest things in life is having words in your heart that you can't utter.” ~ James Earl Jones

I had some extra time this morning, so I decided to go to Kathy's Blog.. I came across this article about our cells.. The title is Two things you should say to your cells every day.. I wanted to post this, and I'm going to print this out.. I love her practices.. They really help me alot..

Two things you should say to your cells every day.. You can find this article by going here..

Two things you should say to your cells every day

  1. I love you. Love is a powerful force that is divine fuel for the cells. When you resonate at the frequency of love, you stimulate cell repair and regeneration. Give your cells a jolt of energy to carry out their tasks. And trust that they know how to do it perfectly. With these three little words, you’re acknowledging their consciousness and innate intelligence. If each little cell contains a spark of divine power, then together they are the life force that you feel humming through your body. When you tell your cells, “I love you,” you are speaking to your body but you are also speaking to your Spirit and Source. Your love will be reciprocated. It may feel strange to you at first, but the more you practice loving what you’re comprised of, the more natural it will become. Then you will start feeling the unbelievable change of your body, mind, and spirit. All because you decided to love yourself.
  2. Do your perfect work. I already said your cells are your biggest supporters, right? When you’re holding onto a negative thought, emotion, or experience, your cells will store it for you. They will carry your cross! You’ve thought or spoken something so many times that the cells have taken it as direction. Connect with cells and let them know that it is okay to let go of what is no longer serving you. Free your cells and yourself of limiting beliefs so that they can get back to their real and healthy work. Give them permission to operate by their divine blueprint. Say:
“I release all cells from the past energy of failure. I give you back your right to perform as you were originally designed. Do your perfect work.”

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

A special surprise for me

A special surprise for me.. Someone has gifted me another free session with Kathy and Angel..  I am beyond blessed.. I hope to pay it fore ward to this beautiful group. This was a beautiful post for me to see.. If you are lonely, depressed, unstable, confused, angry, hurt, need good friends, full of anxiety, and you need compassion from someone.. Then you need to check out Kathy's FB group and her website.. A simple yet compassionate group of women you are trying to find their way in life.. And a desperate need to feel well...

It is a gorgeous Saturday and even more so with the news that one of our members has just donated a free 30 minute session to Julie Elder !!

Julie's hard work has not gone unnoticed both here and on her very beautiful blog. By sharing from her heart she sends a light out into the world that is far reaching, and in return is blessed in many ways.

Your session has been scheduled for January 30th at 11:30am EST. Please email in with any questions

And thank you to our awesome member who so lovingly gifted this today