Wednesday, October 26, 2016

This World Is So Grand

"Somewhere, right now, a child is seeing rain for the first time, steam is rising from every coffee cup clutched in every tired hand, the wind is knocking the heads of flowers together; you are reading these words while someone is writing their last.  So many things are happening every second.  This world is so grand, maddening and magical, and you are a miraculous part of it.  Your soul is tattooed onto this universe.  So don't you ever think that you don't matter." ~ D. Antoinette Foy

Friday, October 21, 2016

Honor Your Body Through Yoga

I have discovered that I have become a emotional eater.. I eat and eat and munch and munch non stop. So binge eating and struggling with self-love was my very own destructive path..... I found myself at the lowest time in my life... I think alot of it all
started about 3 years ago when I came down with frozen shoulders.. That took my life into
a very black spiral and a very deep hole... As my rt shoulder started to unthaw after a year and half, I ended up with tinnitus in my rt ear... I knew that I need to wake up and smell the roses... I have been learning every thing from energy, yoga, mediating, learning how to breath right.. I came across Dana, and fell completely in love with her.. She is amazing...
 through watching her on videos, I was discovering myself, falling in love with my new yoga practice, and ultimately myself. I am just a beginner, but I am finding it is full of magic. It's enchanting and seductive and mysterious. It will leave you with so many gifts if you are open to receiving them. It can leave you to experience and to foster a closeness to yourself that is unshakable. I love Yoga. Honor the body you bring to the mat today and every day...

 I came across this wonderful interview with Dana, and wanted to share it with you...

Dana Falsetti 

Dana Falsetti came to her yoga practice after years of binge eating and struggling with self-love. She, like much of our society, used to equate her size with her happiness. Early in college she hit a point where she was both her heaviest and unhappiest, and she decided to make a change. After a year of steady weight loss, she realized that while her body looked different, nothing really changed. She found herself in a “new” body with all of her old habits, tendencies and insecurities. That’s when Dana walked into her first yoga class.
Throughout her practice, Dana moved from a place of fear to a place of love. Love for herself, for the world around her, for her darkest moments and her lightest. Not only did she meet and surpass limits she thought were in her body, but she surpassed the same limits in her mind and heart. Yoga has given her space to know her worth and that’s what she aims to share with others.
Dana now travels and teaches yoga all over the world. She is known as a body positive advocate and believes a strong yoga practice is available to all. Dana has been featured in online and print publications such as Shape, Mind Body Green, Buzzfeed, Aerie, Plus Model Magazine, and more.

A Letter From Me


I came to my yoga practice after years of binge eating, years of struggling with confidence, years of gaining and losing weight in bouts of depression and anxiety, and crazed attempts to find a little peace. 
I hit a point in my life sometime early on in college where I was both my heaviest and my unhappiness at about 300 pounds. I thought the two went hand in hand, so I started hitting the gym in hopes to make a permanent change. Significant weight loss and loads of empty compliments later, I realized that absolutely nothing had changed. My physical body changed, but my body changes every single day and always will. I was still me, I brought myself and all of my habits and tendencies and fears with me to my "new" body. 
So I came to yoga as a last resort. I was unknowingly searching for something, and I think ultimately that thing was peace. Peace and freedom that eventually came from a place of self worth. I remember my first class well. I walked in having the largest body in the room on top of being the beginner, and yoga was hard. I couldn't hold down dog for 5 breaths, my shoulders were on fire, and all the while it seemed everybody else was popping up into optional headstands like it was no big deal. I remember thinking that would never and could never be me. I thought my body would limit my practice, but eventually I learned that only my mind sets limits. 
Many people think they need to be thin, flexible, or strong to practice yoga. Please, hear me when I say that yoga is for everybody. Bodies change and evolve every single day, and the physical practice is simply a manifestation of the internal change. Yoga is a spiritual practice, one that allows you to be and see yourself. It's a practice of non-attachment. Your physical body isn't a deciding factor in whether or not yoga is for you. Your body changes. There's nothing to be attached to that won't leave you hurting or feeling empty down the road. Come to yoga to find out how you feel, not judge how you look. We do enough of that anyway. Give yourself a chance, give yourself the gift of knowing your worth and it will change your life. 
Love and light to all of you beautiful people, 
xx Dana

Beginner Series that I just love...

This beginner-friendly series will prove that you don't have to look a certain way in order to have a rich and rewarding yoga practice! Included is a 90-day practice calendar that gives you an easy-to-follow daily schedule to tell you how to use all 18 hours of classes in the best way possible!
This journey will bring self-acceptance into your life both on and off the mat - no matter your size or age or life experience. Yoga is meant for everybody, and both of us can tell you that the impact yoga will have in your life! You will develop strength, flexibility and confidence in beginner-focused tutorial and flow classes!
Jessamyn designed EveryBody Yoga to reflect the way she wished yoga studios programmed their classes when she first started out. Each lighthearted class moves at a comfortable yet challenging pace, teaching you to focus on feeling through transitions and to connect to your body.
Making Shapes introduces you to intermediate postures such as backbends, arm balances and headstands! Dana will show you how to take basic shapes like Camel and Downward dog and safely transform them to their more complex variations.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016


Angel Protection Ritual – Protect yourself & your home from negative energies

I was doing so reading and researching today and came upon this website with this article..  

Start your day with this Angelic Protection and Healing prayer to protect yourself from all negative energies, and surround yourself with Universal Love. 
Arch Angel Michael – Protector Angel and the most appropriate of his angels and helpers. 
I ask You now to surround me with a sphere of White Light from the top of my head to the tips of my toes. 
Fill that sphere of White Light with Protection, Love, Harmony and Healing. 
Keep that sphere of White Light FREE from any negative energies. 
Expand that sphere of White Light to the space that I am in, at ALL times. 
May this White Light shine unconditional Love and Healing,  to EVERYONE around me. 
May the most appropriate  helpers from the Universe, BE WITH ME IN EVERYTHING that I do today. And ALL days to come.  

To read the entirety of the message please visit here.. I hope you enjoy the visit.. I love the video's and all the prayers.. Can leave you in a beautiful place...